Street Angels


Street Angels is 100% community-funded through fundraisers, private donations, philanthropic grants, and corporate sponsorships.

83¢ of every dollar donated goes directly toward providing for those most vulnerable in our community.

Amazon Wishlist

Your donation ensures Street Angels receives some of our most critical needs.

In-Kind Donations

Street Angels

Donations can be dropped off every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 11 AM – 2 PM.


Street Angels

Our mission wouldn’t be possible without the incredible dedication of our volunteers.

If sending items not directly linked to our Amazon wish list, please use the address: 125 N 120th Street; Wauwatosa, WI 53226

If these days or times do not work for you, please email us at to make special arrangements. Please do not leave donations outside our doors. Thank you!

Our Needs

Your donated items provide our team with the necessary tools to promote health, dignity, survival, and trust.

Please only donate items from the following list, as this will make our sorting and distribution process swifter and ensure our friends get the items they need. These items go straight to our community, so gently used and clean items are appreciated. We request that socks and underwear be new.

Due to storage capacity, we can only accept items that are listed.

Learn about our annual fundraisers